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    The fate of a championship is being decided on a soccer field, but along with it, the lives of many people who have decided to turn things around are at stake. Be it for money, as is the case of Italo - president of the Sporting team who bet everything he has left on the final result; be it for honor, as is the case of coach Bulla - who has never won a title his whole life; be it for a dream, as is the case of Antonio - the team captain who wants to go pro. Away from the field, the rest of the world keeps living, dying, and showing off its contradictions. But inside the game, time comes to a halt because it's the most important of all moments.-微博@摆渡字幕组 整理


    • 2.0HD第一个周日艾斯·库珀,雷吉娜·赫尔,P.J.,Byrne,崔西·摩根,卡特·威廉姆斯
    • 10.0HD杀人自白艾丹·碧丝朵,Nicholas,Urda,Andres,Montejo,Bianca,Soto,马修·贝克,Dana,Belmont,Steve,Boghossian,Jim,Cairl,Margeaux,Dupuy,Erica,Duke,Forsyth,Skylar,Fray,Henry,Hernandez,Stuart,Fray,Logan,C.,Kenney,Giovani,Lowe,Marisa,Lowe,Phillip,Richards,Kitty,Robertson,Lourdes,Sever
    • 2.0HD中字诗人丹尼尔·希梅内斯·卡乔,格里塞尔达·西齐利亚尼,西蒙娜·拉马德里德,伊克尔·桑切斯·索拉诺,安德烈·阿尔梅达,奥马尔·莱瓦,玛尔·卡雷拉,豪尔赫·吉迪,雨果·阿伯瑞斯,Grace,Shen,Grantham,Coleman,Meteora,Fontana,Edison,Ruíz,Donagh,Gordon,Misha,Arias,De,La,Cantolla,Daniel,Damuzi,Clementina,Guadarrama
    • 1.0HD中字在我走之前西恩·威廉·斯科特,奥莉薇·瑟尔比,凯特·沃什,加瑞特·迪拉胡特,凯尔·加尔纳,罗伯·里格尔,伊万·罗斯,康妮·史蒂文斯,大卫·阿奎特,杰克·奎德,米西·派勒,伊丽莎·库斯伯特,格里芬·格鲁克,克利奥·金,克兰西·布朗,贝丝·格兰特,杰克·麦吉,乔治·芬,赖安·哈特维希,诺亚·芒克
    • 5.0HD国语河长牛犇,吕良伟
    • 6.0HD中字马克斯之山中井贵一,萩原圣人,古尾谷雅人

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